


Daisy in a rainy day⚡☔☁😭

Daisy in a rainy day⚡☔☁😭這幾天香港又黑雨又下冰笣, 就帶些鮮花回家報置一下, 心情都好啲啊!



女生就是要愛自己! 就算單身或已婚都不要忘
記要裝扮得美美, 家裏小窩也一樣啊! 


Lunch of the day! 超飽@鮨福助

Lunch of the day at 鮨福助! 超飽! 朋友吃的自選10貢sushi好新鮮, 依個丼只是presentation特別些, 用料較差還貴10蚊! 但值得再去! 


Homemade French blue mussels

Homemade French blue mussels in tomato & garlic sauce, 蕃茄蒜汁炒法國藍青口, 配上法包, 吃不停啊! 


Irish coffee at the Rocks cafe

Irish coffee in the morning, so strong! Bitterness & sweetness in a cuppa! 早上喝愛爾蘭咖啡,又苦又甜有點暈啊! 



TWG cafe 甜蜜蜜香草糖果茶

TWG cafe in IFC hong kong, lovely vanilia bourbon tea from south africa! 甜蜜蜜香草糖果茶 from TWG.

Brunch of the day:poached eggs 是日早午餐

Brunch of the day, poached eggs with bacon 是日早午餐: 水煮波波蛋配煙肉 


Toy poodle Faygor, my little dark prince

Faygor: can't wait to go out mama, i packed my stuff already, hurry up! 媽媽我執好哂野啦, 快啲帶我出街街! 

Fourseasons Hotel Sydney

Room service in Fourseasons hotel sydney! Little nice touch to perfection! Waygu beef burger, fresh oysters & kid size meatball pasta! 悉尼四季酒店的房內用餐, 美味! 還送上巧克力, perfecto!

Pancakes on the Rocks brekkie早餐

Pancakes on the rocks brekkie, rich and heavy scrambled eggs, bare with bare with.....but the pancakes was unbeatable! Yum! 

Chocolate straw 巧克力飲管

大人細路都啱飮, 又低糖低卡! Yeah~~~

Darling harbour

Such a lovely place to chill~~~ 

Crab pasta 生拆蟹肉意粉

向Darling Harbour一個人食lunch, 見到一間只賣海鮮嘅餐廳, 價錢頗貴但不妨一試啦! 依個crab pasta真係超好味, pasta al dente, 蟹肉新鮮, 配上蒜片番茄chilli一齊炒, 又香又微辣, 正呀! 

美味老虎蝦 Aus tiger prawn

去Sydney就一定會食佢! 今次向超市買, 10隻先Aud8蚊, 好平呀! 那埋千島醬同香檳, 咁又一餐囉! 好味道😚